The structure of your feet

Our body is a complex structure where all the elements are interconnected, each joint above it depends on a joint below it and vice versa. The foot is the foundation of the body. The main cause of posture and gait disorders in humans is foot problems, but foot problems are often only noticed at the very last moment. 75% of the world's population has musculoskeletal problems, which are directly related to foot deformity.
Foot deformity affects a person's gait. Excessive asymmetry in the deviation of the foot at the moment of support and pushing away creates an abundance of excessive movement and not equal load on the feet and spine. Deformity of the foot provokes distortions of incoming information about the position of the body in space. This leads to imbalance of the body - a straight posture implies balance in relation to the vertical axis of the left and right halves of the body. A pronounced asymmetric deviation of one of the feet leads to compensatory curvatures of the spine and the formation of scoliosis.
The human skeleton consists of 205 bones, 52 of which belong to the feet. The human foot is a unique creation of nature, it is difficult to determine at what stage of evolution it was formed, but we can definitely say that no one else living on our planet today has anything like it. Forelegs and hindlegs in animals have almost the same functions of supporting or grasping, so they are similar in structure. The upper and lower limbs In humans have a significant difference. Because of the need to completely free the upper extremities, the feet have two diametrically opposed tasks.
The first task: to provide stable support, in other words, to be strong;
The second task: movability, movability and the ability to adjust to support.
The solution to this contradiction was the vaulted design, in which different zones have different functions.
The main support points are A, B, C, base of the 1st toe and base of the 5th toe. The main structure of the foot is the AC, AB, CB arches of the foot internal, longitudinal-external and transverse arches.
Outer longitudinal arch (load) and transverse arch perform support functions, are reinforced by ligaments, flatten only under pronounced load, these arches are preserved under body weight in normal conditions.
The internal, longitudinal (spring) arch is strengthened mainly by the short muscles of the foot and lower leg, which allows it to perform the function of cushioning by flattening the arch and turning the foot inward. When walking on solid ground, human foot overloads 15-20 kg, shin only 6-7 kg, so a healthy foot absorbs 65-70% of all the impact load, the rest is absorbed by cartilage of the joints and the spine.
Besides cushioning, the inner arch and heel bone allow the foot to adapt to uneven footing and provide a firm grip and, most importantly, a smooth roll in the gait. This difference in arches allows the two incompatible functions of dynamics and stability to be combined.
In many cases, improper distribution of load on the foot can be a trigger for many diseases.
Foot - calluses, bunions, Hallux Valgus, plantar fasciitis, tendovaginitis, varus and valgus foot alignment;
Knee joint - meniscus inflammation, synovitis, deforming knee arthrosis;
Pelvis - coxoarthritis, inflammation of the sacroiliac joint;
Spine - sciatica, curvatures: scoliosis and kyphosis, osteochondrosis.
Foot deformities will lead to disorders in different parts of the musculoskeletal system, as well as uneven foundations can lead to the destruction of the structure of the house.