Will running ruin my knees?

It is very easy to explain why jogging has become so popular: it’s simple, it’s costless and it does not require long preparations to start running.
One can do jogging outside, which is another serious benefit because it is literally “a sip of fresh air’ while pandemic. All these reasons together with closed fitness centers and other COVID-19 restrictions resulted in increase of runners.
People who experienced jogging once or twice a week, have doubled their activities. And those who run 3 times a week, have increased their activities 1,5 times.
But is it harmless enough to run so intensively? How frequent jogging may affect knees and spine? Let’s talk about the most popular myths about running and jogging.
Jogging would negatively affect knees
The doctors say that jogging can cause problems if you do it in a wrong way or if you force yourself to jogging. They advise to treat this more seriously, for example to take a couple of lessons with a professional trainer and not to use music when jogging. It would help to listen to the signs of your body and understand the way it feels. Do not forget about doing warm-up and finishing exercises after jogging.
An interesting fact: jogging on a regular basis and in a right manner could prevent surgery on the knees.
Jogging negatively affects your spine
Everything depends on the right technique as well. In case you are tired to keep your spine straight and start to lean back or forward – just stop and take a break. People with extra weight should be more attentive towards their body signs, but jogging is not prohibited for them.
An interesting fact: jogging help strengthen the intervertebral discs, which would increase the general flexibility of the spine.
Jogging is an expensive thing to do
Good sneakers are certainly the essential attribute for jogging but they should not be necessarily expensive. The main thing about sneakers is that they should fit your feet properly and correspond to the ground you are running on. When choosing sneakers, it’s necessary to consider the individual peculiarities of your feet.
It’s better to run when hungry
It’s just partially true. Experts recommend taking a run on an empty stomach only to experienced joggers. The beginners should have a light breakfast 30-40 minutes before jogging.
Jogging in the city area is useless
Currently no precise scientific information on this issue exists. However the positive effect of physical activities on the cardiovascular system and lungs would probably compensate influence from breathing the city air.
Jogging = losing weight quickly
When seriously thinking about immediate weight loss, one can’t rely on jogging only, without changing one’s nutrition. Mild but regular physical activities allow to get rid of about 2 kilos per month (from 225 to 420 minutes of jogging per week, including walks). But it’s necessary to revise your nutrition facts for better results.