Checklist before the Boston Marathon

Make a training plan for the month and stick to it
If you want to not only run in one of the most spectacular starts, but also to show a decent result, it is important a month before the start to strictly adhere to the plan of preparation. It's safer and more effective to make a plan with a coach - that way you won't overload yourself, but you'll be able to improve your speed and get to the start in better shape.
Take a functional test
Functional testing is an opportunity to get actual physiological indices, such as VO2max, heart rate zones, lactate threshold and others. They accurately reflect the state of your physical fitness, and this will help you train effectively and make a smart plan for the race. You can read a detailed description of functional testing in this article.
Decide on your equipment in advance
Everyone knows that it's not the best idea to wear new gear, so it's worth choosing it beforehand and testing it out in training. Take into account the weather forecast, but remember - it's better to get cold in the cluster before the race than to overheat at the race itself. Choose clothes mainly without seams, so you are sure to avoid chafing in the most unexpected places. At temperatures above 50 °F, choose shorts and a T-shirt: even in rainy weather, you will be warm and comfortable after a few miles.
Test the nutrition
Nutrition is the same as equipment: a Boston marathon is not the time to experiment. Do some long workouts and try different brands of sports nutrition. Observe how your body reacts to them and choose the best. Don't forget a source of carbohydrates and electrolytes before the race, gels for the race itself at the rate of 1 gel every 30-40 minutes an hour after the start and a post-race recovery product to restore energy reserves after the race in the form of a drink, bar and gel. You can also take menthol energy bars, salt tablets, caffeine shots, waffles or marmalade candies with you - take your pick!
Take magnesium
Salt tablets can help you get rid of cramps during a race, but you can minimize the risk of their occurrence by taking a course of magnesium. Magnesium leaves the body with sweat, and to avoid muscle cramps, you should take isotonic drinks during the training. For example, one serving of First Endurance EFS Drink contains 150 mg of magnesium, and Saltstick Capsules provide the optimal intake of electrolytes in the proportion that the body loses with sweat.
View the race route
Try to run the race route (where possible without any overlaps) to get familiar with the terrain and understand how to spread out your energy on the run.
Mind your recovery
You have to train hard, but you have to rest too, or you'll burn out before you even start. A good night's sleep, a healthy diet, stretching and massages are a must in your regime. You can read more about recovery for amateurs.
Most importantly, have fun with the process, and everything will work out. We wish you good luck in your preparations!